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Work and Health Resources

This is a resource list if you need to get help and support on a wide range of mainly work-related issues, some are Sheffield specific.

Disability (Physical and/or Mental Health) and Work

A disability is a long term health condition that has already lasted for at least 12 months, or is likely to last for 12 months and that has a substantial impact on a person’s ability to carry out day to day activities, such as work.

Equality Act 2010 : The Equality Act 2010 which defines a disability can be found here.

When this Act is deemed to apply an employer has a duty to make reasonable adjustments as explained here.

Reasonable Adjustments : An employer should be able to make some reasonable adjustments for their employees to support them in the workplace to help support their physical or mental health condition. An adjustment can be anything that helps a person to do their job and minimises the impact of any health conditions as much as possible, these include changes to policies, working practices or physical layouts, or providing extra equipment or support. 

Some reasonable adjustments that could be useful include:

  • Phased return
  • Reduced hours if finances permit
  • Reduced workload/amended duties 
  • Being allocated additional time for completing your tasks 
  • Additional supervision which could include more frequent check-ins with the manager or supervisor to aid monitoring of your wellbeing, or to discuss delegating part of your responsibilities to others 
  • Ensuring more frequent breaks  
  • Allocating a mentor/work-buddy to whom you could reach out to for support  
  • You may be allowed more sick leave before you hit the normal trigger point under your organisation’s sickness management policy, if your absence is connected to your disability

Useful Links

Occupational Health Assessment

You may find it helpful to request an up-to-date occupational health referral via your manager. An OH referral can be useful for both employer and employee alike as it can provide much needed direction in most cases, particularly in relation to reasonable adjustments.

Please remember you can request to see your assessment before it gets sent to your manager and you can also ask that it does not get sent to your manager if you are not happy with it.

You can find out more about Occupational Health here.

Work and Health Resources

Wellness Action Plan : Consider drafting and discussing a Wellness Action Plan (WAP). A WAP is a simple relapse prevention tool that is designed to help an employee to share the responsibility of managing a health condition with their employer by improving knowledge and awareness of symptoms. A WAP can also be used to record any agreed adjustments and is designed to be reviewed on a semi-regular basis.

You can find an example of a WAP here that you can download and use.

Stress Risk Assessment : It might be helpful to complete a stress risk assessment to help reduce the impact of stress.

You can find out more and get a template of a stress risk assessment here.

Access to Work : Look at applying to Access to Work which could be helpful in exploring tailored support to meet your needs, click here for more information.

A suitable plan or equipment aiding your day-to-day responsibilities could be provided.  


Citizens Advice Bureau (CAB) : Sheffield CAB can provide you with support on whether there are any other benefits you would be eligible to claim, you can contact them on 0808 2787820 or visit :

If you don’t have any success with the CAB then the following organisation should be able to help:

0800 802 2000

Money Helper has some practical information that could be helpful:

This resource offers an online chat function, a free phone telephone line, WhatsApp text number, money guidance content and videos on the website and budget planning tools/calculators.           

Sheffield hardship support fund has some capacity to offer support to those who are struggling with the cost of living or ask about food vouchers. It’s a grant for which people can apply multiple times.

For more information with regards to eligibility and available help, you can contact Citizens Advice Sheffield or Turn2us.

Personal Independence Payment (PIP) : If you are a person with a long-term condition, you could also apply for a Personal Independent Payment depending on the severity of the impact of it on your day to day functioning. It is a non means tested benefit that could provide an additional financial support.

You can find more information here.

Please find below guidelines on how to complete the form to get a better idea of what to expect.

Check how to fill in your claim form

More information regarding the process is available here.

It usually takes 2 weeks from the date of requesting the form. The deadline for completing it is usually a month.

It would be useful to request supporting statements from the health care professionals supporting you (for example your GP, a Therapist, or another Consultant involved in your care).

Some other aspects worth considering prior to filling in the application are:

  1. How frequently you struggle with pain, and during which activities (both work/home related) like preparing food, etc. Do you struggle all the time, every mealtime, every day?
  2. Whether you struggle to get dressed or put a uniform on whilst preparing for work, if it takes you longer or if you need any support? 
  3. Any information about whether you manage your finances or whether you have anyone to help?
  4. Do you struggle with mixing with people? Has this impacted your work?

You may want to keep a diary to record information about the impact of your health condition on a day to day basis. You can use this information when completing your application as it may increase the chance of your claim being successful.

ACAS and Equality and Human Rights Commission

ACAS (Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service) is a government body that provides advice on employment disputes to employees and employers.

ACAS also can help mediate disputes between an employee and employer.

Anyone considering making an employment tribunal claim needs to contact ACAS and seek advice before they can make a claim.

Contact Details for ACAS

Call : 0300 123 1100

Contact Details for Equality and Human Rights Commission

Call : 0808 800 0082

Talking Therapies/Self-Help Resources

Free Legal Advice and Other Resources

Free legal Advice : If you have house insurance with legal cover, this may also include cover for advice on employment issues / disputes so it is worth checking your policy.

Other Resources

Cruse Bereavement Support
Advice on Domestic Abuse
Cavendish Cancer Care
Sheffield Mental Health Guide